Want to book Education Ad in Other Newspapers?
Why place Education Ad in Millennium Post Newspaper ?
Composing & booking a newspaper ad have been simplified by ReleaseMyAd making it as easy as following just 3 easy steps:
- Selection of the favored ad category like Education Ads and classified advertising for sub categories like Coaching, Professional Courses, Vocational Courses have been assimilated in the online booking structure of releaseMyAd. Any advertiser can now view the Education Ads rate card and publish his classified text advert in a newspaper of his choice, at the lowest of costs instantly!
- The second most important step in your ad booking process is composing your ad. ReleaseMyAd enables you to take the help of enhancements to increase the prominence of your ad. You can see how your ad will look before it is published, through our Live Preview Ad Feature
- In the last & final step you can confirm your ad release dates & make the payments for a timely release of your ad via our secure payment mediums.
- Our payment options include online payment mediums like Credit/Debit Cards & Net Banking & offline payments mediums like Demand Drafts, Cheque deposits & Cash Collection from your home or office.
When you select the classified display ad type on releaseMyAd.com, it lands you on the page of category selection, where you can click on the Education category and that will take you to the Compose Ad page.
- On releaseMyAd composing a education classified display ad is engaging and interesting as you can choose from a range of pre designed templates and modify them with images, logos, colors and also text formatting. These features help you intensify and increase the effectiveness of your educational ad. All these features along with our Live Ad Preview Feature have been incorporated on the ReleaseMyAd website for your convenience.
- At the end, in order to confirm the release of your ad, all that is required of you is to select the release dates and clear your payments via secure online payment mediums of Credit/ Debit Cards & Net Banking.
- You can also avail our traditional offline mediums of Demand Drafts or Cheque payments or our new Cash Collection facility as well for the payment to be collected from your home or office, following which you will receive an email confirmation with all your booking details
For further details on composing ads & to avail new packages or to Contact Us visit our Frequently Asked Questions Section
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Booking Process
How To Compose Your Education Ad In Millennium Post To Get Maximum Response ?
Education has become a necessity for the Indian Society and so has its demand. Several education institutes and centres need a platform to advertise their courses and services. Newspaper classified text ads are an economical and vast medium to publicize upcoming and developing educational institution.
Education advertisements in newspapers help to bridge the gap between students and providers of educational courses, which include not only schools and colleges, but also other courses that people take up for all-round personal growth. Here is why you should book your education ads in newspapers:
Provides Information
- Education advertisements in newspapers provide information about the various courses that are offered by an educational institution.
Spreads Knowledge and Awareness
- Education advertisements make people aware of an educational institution’s existence and make people aware of what is available.
Attracts Students
- If created and designed well, education advertisements attract students and induce them to apply and take up a course that suits their interests and existing educational background.
Promotes Education
- Education advertisements, through their very purpose of attracting students to various educational institutions, promote the growth of education in the country.
Wide Reach of Newspapers
- In India, a large number of people across cities and villages read newspapers. Newspapers are read by people from all walks of life.